Middle East Goer Single:
- Increased joy and satisfaction in seeking the presence of the Lord.
- Wisdom and grace for our team to grow in deeper unity and like-mindedness.
Middle East Goer Single:
- Endurance in Arabic language learning. To be steadfast and find joy.
- For the country to have a just government and care to be provided for those in need.
Middle East Goer Family:
- Wisdom in planning next steps toward moving to our long-term country of service.
- Opportunities and courage to share the message with local friends.
Middle East Goer Family:
- Wisdom to know how to specifically target weak areas in language and get the most out of studying.
- For times in the Word to continually refresh us and bring the Gospel front and center.
Radius Goer Singles:
- Balancing classroom time, homework, student relationships, and local friendships.
- Wisdom on future teammates, locations, and agencies.
- Deepening intimacy with the Lord despite busyness of schedule.
Radius Goer Family:
- For our daughters to build long lasting relationships with other kids on campus.
- Unity as a family in the midst of a variety of time and energy demands.
Mercy Ships Goer Family:
- That Covid-19 would not change departure plans in January.
- Fundraising would continue to be fruitful and for His glory alone.